Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Fruit nutrition and health benefits

Fruits and vegetables are essential for balance diet and good health. They are good source of vitamins and minerals without which human body cannot maintain proper health and develop resistance to disease. 

They are natural gifts from nature, it is necessary to make half your plate fruit. Fruits and vegetables provide health benefits and are important for the prevention of illnesses.

Fruits and vegetables contain variety of nutrients including vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. 
Fruit is naturally low in fat, sodium and calories, and rich in potassium, fiber, vitamin C and folate.

Fiber in fruit helps to protect against heart disease and lower cholesterol. Fruits have been shown to help protect against heart disease, stroke, certain types of cancer, gastrointestinal issues, high blood pressure, eye disease and more.

Homemade fruit juice:

I prefer to juice my fruits when I can't keep up with chewing, I'll vote for home made juice any day. The manufactured juice out there ain't the perfect source of needed nutrients, most packs come with the 100%  pure fruit inscription, my mum would say "its just water and flavour".

In getting the necessary nutrients you need from fruits you either chew the fruit or personally juice them.

Freshly squeezed juices from fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of minerals and vitamins. An increased intake of fruit and vegetable juices ensures that the body will efficiently absorb more minerals and vitamins.

Another helpful benefit of fruits and fruit juices is their ability to promote detoxification in the human body. Fruits help to cleanse the body, especially those with high acid levels.

So what are your excuses for not eating fruits? Take those thoughts out, add fruit and vegetables to you dish. There are lots of fruits out there, different shapes, flavours, colours, you could play around with the colours by juicing or making fruit salad.
If the cost of fruit is your excuse, you can overcome this. Buy a little at a time, find out stores that sell at good and affordable prices.
There is no excuse that should prevent you from having good health. Only make sure to eat fresh fruits.

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