Thursday 31 December 2015

Turning a blind eye.

Sorry guys for the hiatus, had to stop blogging to enjoy the Christmas break with  family and friends. I had so much fun, and I hope you all did.  Well during my short break I came across a television show on Africa Magic, channel 151 'A Different View with Gena West' the topic on the show was 'Turning a blind eye'.

In talking about turning a blind eye we mean the choice to ignore behaviour that you know is wrong or to ignore something and pretend you do not see it. In our society today a lot of us are guilty of this act, from the government to the people we all fall short of this.

As a Nigerian it weakens me every time to witness the era of a new government that ends up with no basic change. We complain about the same issues every 4 years, I simply wonder if the government  actually turns blind eyes to important issues.

The government is not alone in this, we the people have our share of the blame. It starts from that man that politician that would rather embezzle our nation's funds to that man that diligently produces fake drugs and to that woman that goes ahead to abduct an helpless woman's child and also that police man that focuses on filling his pocket rather than protect lives and properties which he swore to do.

It goes on and on, what about the moment when we are too impatient to wait for the traffic light to go green, we move immediately its yellow. That moment we are done drinking our sachet water and we just throw the empty sachet out the window of our moving vehicles.

We turn blind eyes to wrong deeds which do not aid the growth of our nation. Its a single waste paper bag that grows into a big pile of unwanted dump.

"Charity, begins at home..." If everyone to take out time to deal with this very little things that can seem very insignificant, little by little, good deeds could pile up into making huge impacts just as tiny droplets of water can make a huge river or ocean as the case may be.                

Do not turn a blind eye to "these tiny" things and they are a sure route to your "destiny" as a person or as a subset of the entire log... your family, your church or mosque, your offices or businesses, the nation or even the world at large. It all starts from you being conscious of the things that may or may not seem to matter. You as an individual can influence a change starting from you.   Life is simple but we make it hard for ourselves... make it simpler and all will be well. Do not turn a blind eye.

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